Friday, January 13, 2012

The Wedding Photographers

We went to a wedding this afternoon - just the service at church - of a lovely young couple we worked with in the marriage preparation program. I *think* they actually got married, but looking at the altar, we couldn't see the actual vows at all! These two guys are two of the wedding photographers and videographers - there were four all together. But to stand in the absolute middle of the aisle, and not to crouch down is just nuts! It is also rude. It is as if they are completely unaware of everyone in the church behind them. I was really shocked that they were so oblivious. And they stood there for at least 15 minutes while the vows were being said, rings exchanged, and blessings read. This is just stupid!


Anonymous said...

I agree. How disappointing for the rest of their guests...hope the 'wedding photographers' get to see your blog and wise up!

Photodude Images said...

Next time just yell "Down In Front"

Anonymous said...

There are always at least two views, aren't there? If I were getting married, and I hired a videographer and a photographer, I'd want the camera to catch the ceremony, including the vows/rings exchange, dead-on - not off to the side or from an angle shooting up, which is so unflattering. Maybe you, as a guest, weren not happy because you couldn't see everything, but I bet the bride and groom will be happy with the memory of their wedding captured in all of its digital glory. And, I guess you could've discreetly moved to a different part of the church for a better view.

Anonymous said...

Guess the question is what were their instructions from the bride/groom ? My understanding, Ken please comment as the professional, is that photographers are always told to capture the day but to not be in "the show", e.g. to be discreet and as invisible as possible - clearly not the case here. I have seen photographers go to great lengths to get great video/photos while staying out of the way - again not the case here - to me it seems totally rude.