Friday, March 8, 2013

The Northern Short Course

I come to the Northern Short Course in Photojournalism every year for a number of reasons.  It feels like it keeps me engaged with the profession - I get to take workshops on both technical and esthetic issues, and listen to speakers who show their work on stories both local and from around the world.  The conference never ceases to energize me.  And then there is joy of reconnecting with friends I have known for a long time, and for friends I have only known a year or two.  This is Andrea, and I met her last year, and so this year I got to catch up with where she has been what she has been up to during the last year.  She is a really talented photographer and both she and her boyfriend are doing freelance assignments, for newspapers and magazines but they also have personal stories they are working on, about people who are less fortunate than most of us.  They are both committed to pursuing this work as well.  And I find it is wonderful to hear about people this committed to their profession.  I took this, by the way, when we were standing in the lobby talking, and I realized that I really liked the light on her face.

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