Monday, July 7, 2014

The Puzzle Addicts

I had forgotten that we have some puzzle addicts in the family.  Liz and Sarah went out and bought a new puzzle, and set up solving it on the dining room table.  Then Kathy jumped in, and Amy joined them as well.  They are SERIOUS about this stuff!  I was worried about having any meals, when they were working on this.  Actually I was the one who made dinner tonight, so that they would have more time to finish the puzzle.


Anonymous said...

Only a 500 piece puzzle ? Come on Spencer clan - challenge yourselves !!! Go for a 1000 piece and or 3D puzzle.

Anonymous said...

Looks serious but fun. So happy you could enjoy your family together for a few days.

Anonymous said...

OK - You get points for cooking and letting the women work on their puzzle. Good bonding time for them :-) Puzzle looks pretty, too. bsk