Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Planetarium Show

Tonight's presentation at our astronomy club was a talk by Dave, who runs the planetarium and who creates shows for the public.  He had put together a completely new show and was giving us a preview of it.  Part of the show was about our eyes and the electromagnetic spectrum, and the way we see light.  He started with the Milky Way as we see it and then showed the same part of the sky seen in other wavelengths.  For the technically inclined, this is the Milky Way seen in the 21cm line of hydrogen.  Don't ask.  It is just that the Milky Way looks so different seen in different wavelengths.  The round device in the photograph is part of the projector system that puts the stars on the dome.  Mainly it is kind of a cool picture, right?


Anonymous said...

Ken, very interglactic looking photo. Wild colors.--Stan

Anonymous said...

Love the colors! bsk