Sunday, December 17, 2017

Peace Cranes

My friend Stan came out to the house for dinner, before we went off to our astronomy meeting where he gave a talk.   He brought a couple of gifts - a bottle of wine for dinner, and this holiday decoration which he and his wife Ann found in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  The decoration is three beautiful small peace cranes strung together.  This is now hanging in the doorway between the living room and the dining room where it brightens our day, all day long.


Anonymous said...

Lovely. I got a single peace dove made in Indiana at a craft fair. Yours is wonderful. Could use a little more peace in the world. Merry Christmas. Diane

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful and so thoughtful.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I love the three tiers and the beads. I bought a small single one many years ago from Wesleyan Potters in Middletown. It's always one of the first ornaments on my tree :-) betsey