Monday, December 25, 2017


Everyone in our two families just loves all kinds of board games or parlor games.  We started tonight by playing "Catchphrase" which uses an electronic device to dispense phrases which each team has to guess.  Then we switched to "Telestrations" which is like the old game of "Telephone."  In this modern version, we each get a little booklet, and the name of something to draw.  Then the first person draws the object and passes the booklet to the right.  Then that person guesses what the object is and writes the name down.  Then they pass to the right and the next player draws based on the  name of the object.  Many times by the end of the round, the original object and the final guess are not even remotely similar to each other!  We have lots of laughs.  So my object was a "Trapeeze" - I thought I did a good job, but at the end of the game, people were hysterical at my original drawing.  They even wanted to photograph my drawing.  You can see them laughing as they photograph.  I will let you judge for yourself - here is my original drawing below.  Don't laugh!   :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually think you did a good job drawing a trapeze. Can't wait to hear the rest of the story...betsey