Sunday, January 21, 2018

How Not to Deliver a Package

We have the best mailman.  Whenever he has an oversize package, he gets out of his truck and walks up the driveway, and up the porch steps, and across the porch, and puts all that day's mail on a table just outside the front door, where it is not visible to passersby, and when it is protected from the weather.  However, when Bill is off, one of the replacement drivers doesn't budge from his truck.  Instead, if something does not fit in the mailbox, he balances the package on the top of the mailbox!  He has done this to the people across the street, and at our house, and at another house down the street.  A gust of wind and the package is in the street!  Man oh man.  


ken schwarz said...

This got me wondering. Amazon filled your order, charged your Credit Card and used USPS to ship the package to your home. Your bank account is now down a few bucks, USPS got paid for delivery but.... what if the wind blew, the box fell into the gutter and got washed down Laurel Avenue in slushy wet snow for some distance and was then inadvertently run over by the pizza delivery guy because the wife of one of your neighbors decided not to cook that evening. Who is responsible for the loss of your latest new toy?

Ken Spencer said...

Primo: That is REALLY an interesting question. I would question amazon after a while and say that I never got the shipment. Then I would guess amazon would question the USPS. However, I doubt that the boxes are tracked. Or maybe they are. But if USPS tried to turn it back on me, I would show them this photograph, and one taken across the street a year or two ago, and maybe one more on my mailbox some time ago. I think then the USPS wouldn't have a leg to stand on. I did report this to the post office, and the supervisor was not overly concerned about it, but she did say she would talk to the driver. I reported this the last time as well, and I was unimpressed with the supervisor's response that time either! Man, they just don't CARE!

Anonymous said...

Cannot believe the driver is so lazy that he can't walk up your short driveway to put the box on your porch! What's worse is that the Post Office supervisor doesn't seem to care. I believe writing a letter is the next step so that there is a paper trail to backup your complaints. betsey