Sunday, June 23, 2019

Why I Hate Cyclists!

Every Sunday on the way to church, there is a 50/50 chance we will run into a group of cyclists.  And this happens on a curvy two lane road, so once they are ahead of us, we are stuck.  Sometimes we get to this light ahead of the cyclists.  But what they do that is maddening, is to go around our car to get ahead of us.  If they were to one side of us, when the light changed, we would be ahead of them and in the clear for the two lane road.  But what they do is, if the light is still red, and there is no traffic they just ride through the light ahead of us, before it changes.  Now there is no way we can get ahead of them for the narrow road ahead!  Maddening!  I hate cyclists!  Oh wait, I am one!

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