Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Birds, Birds, and Birds

I am enjoying doing my walks really late in the day.  Today I left at 5 PM to do my walk, and I was surprised that it was still light out at that time which is exciting.  The beginning of more hours of daylight!   I was surprised to see so many birds resting on the water like this, that seems fairly unusual.  In terms of composition and interest it is nice that there are three groups of birds sitting on the water.  And I love the blue gray overcast sky.  When I start my walk late like this, I end up walking home in the dark which is nice.  It is peaceful walking along the harbor in the dark as the lights come on across the water.



Anonymous said...

Love the blue and gray shades and then the faint light in the distance. Very peaceful and serene. The ducks seem to be enjoying the end of a day.

Anonymous said...

Looks very peaceful!

Ken Spencer said...

Hi Trace: I always love when I can post something that makes you and others feel peaceful! We all need peaceful these days... It makes my day when I can do that. Thank you for all your kind words about the photographs.

Anonymous said...

A lovely photograph at the end of a cloudy gray day. betsey