Monday, January 9, 2023

Well, the Gulls Were Not Flying Today

It was too cold to ride my bike today - late in the afternoon it was 38 degrees and there was a bit of wind, so I decided to do a walk to the power plant that is not there.  First thing I saw at the foot of our street were the sand bars covered in birds.  They were not flying today!  I think it is hard to tell from this angle, but in another shot I did from the side, all the gulls were facing in the same direction, and I think they are doing that here as well.  So my thought was, if they are not flying, how do they eat?  Perhaps they all got to eat earlier in the day, so it is OK if they save their energy at the end of the day.  I hope that's the case.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The gulls are probably headed in the opposite direction of the wind. I wonder if they can scrounge up some tidbits along the sandbar? The photo certainly makes me feel cold! betsey