Friday, January 13, 2023

Edward Hopper at the Whitney

I went to "fun city" today to meet Stan at the Whitney Museum of American Art, to see an exhibit of the paintings of  Edward Hopper called "Edward Hopper's New York."  It was a stunning exhibit, showing so many of his New York paintings, but also a lot of his etchings and sketches, and photographs of him and his wife.  There was a lot of his really early work and paintings borrowed from other museums.  I spent most of my time photographing individual paintings and the text explaining the painting, so that I could share some of the paintings with friends.  I am not sure if I am allowed to show individual paintings here on my blog  I did see these people looking at some of his work, and I liked the different ways they are standing or sitting within the image.



Anonymous said...

I like the way you photographed the people looking at photos. It captures the moment of looking at a photo, studying it, getting a feeling from it, trying to get meaning from it or interpret it or learn something from it. As I look at the photo, it makes me think of that whole experience. The two women on the ends look like they are in that process. There is an intensity to their body language. Nice photo. Makes me want to go visit a museum. Trace

Anonymous said...

I like some of Hopper's paintings but many of these I have not seen. How exciting! I do like that you posted this photo of so many people viewing his work. Several times I have shown a few photos from a museum on FaceBook. My hope is that viewers will attend the museum to enjoy an exhibit also. betsey