Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dust Mop

I was having lunch at Starbucks today, and while adding milk and sugar to my coffee, a woman stood next to me fixing her coffee, and she had this dog with her. I mentioned that the dog was cute and asked what kind it was. She was minding it for a friend, and said it was a Pekingese, and that it was afraid to come into Starbucks, but she brought it in anyway. Something that she had ordered at the counter was ready, and she started to walk over to get it, but the dog was lying down and wouldn't budge. So she just pulled on the leash, and dragged the dog across the floor! So it was then that it occurred to me that in addition to being cute, this little white fuzzy dog would make a great dust mop! Not all dogs would, of course. I mean, no one would try to drag a big black Lab across a floor to clean it!


Photodude Images said...

Written by a cat person

Anonymous said...

I am still laughing at your thought! Maybe you should get a dog so you won't have to mop! :-)