Friday, December 31, 2010

What Fathers Do

Fathers like to feel useful. Yes they do. So I was pleased to have both Liz and Amy have a few little projects to do when we were in California. Liz needed a shelf installed using toggle bolts, and Amy had bought some antlers when she was in Alaska on an assignment. "How did you get them home?" "They put them in a box for me to carry back." "Oh." So it was down to the hardware store to look for ways to attach something to the antlers, and something else to the wall, and some way to connect them. These were not big projects, but were really fun to do, and I did feel as if I had helped some when I was done. So here is Amy and her antlers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photo & antlers. Who would have thunk? :-) I have a few projects too!