Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Elements of Journalism

"The Elements of Journalism"? What does that have to do with a photograph of a cat? Well, I'll tell you... :-) I was sitting on the front porch having lunch and reading that book, which is really a fascinating book. I can't put it down! Anyhow, I looked up, and here was this kitty looking at me through the screen. The trick then, of course, is to quietly get up, go into the house, grab the camera, and hope that the kitty doesn't leave! She didn't and I got this shot, which I really love.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a cool shot. You know what is interesting to me is that one needs to expand most of your shots to get the full effect but i think I prefer viewing this one as a smaller shot or from a distance - makes it more mysterious as you don't know what you are looking at.

Aud said...

I love this photo too. The screen adds great dimension and texture to the photo which has a terrific painterly quality. Beautiful image.