Friday, September 18, 2009


This photograph is SO strange. First of all, I think it is surrealistic! It just looks SO weird! It is me, stretched out on a park bench down at the water, cooling down after my ride. I did try using a self-timer and shooting a photo of me from the side, stretched out on the bench, but it looked as if I was dead! OK, forget that idea... So then I did this view, which is bizarre, but at least it is different!


Anonymous said...

i second the WEIRD comment. this actually looks like the bottom half of a mannequin - so lifeless and stiff. that's why we have knees, so we can bend our legs!

Fuzzy said...

Remind me never to take a picture of myself from this angle.For those who don't know you enough, Ken has VERY slender hips and legs. This photo makes you look like a candidate for The Biggest Loser.
Yes, weird!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Fuzzy! :-) but your feet are so small compared to the rest of your body - how can you peddle?

Anonymous said...

It looks like an alien with little feet and knobby knees - funny? bsk

Midge said...

Looks like an alien with a smile, slanty eyes and funny floppy ears. Oh, and he is orange.