I did a photograph of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge on the way to Charlottesville, and I photographed this bridge on the way home. I was going to post it earlier, but thought it would seem as I was doing a "Bridges of the World" tour! I love bridges, and always have. This is the Delaware Memorial Bridge, which is made up of twin suspension bridges, the first finished in 1951 and the second in 1968. Here's the cool thing - these bridges were designed with consulting help from the famous engineer Othmar Ammann. He designed the George Washington bridge, and the Verrazano-Narrows bridge as well! These two spans are dedicated to those from both New Jersey and Delaware who died in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Each span is 2 miles long, and they are 174 feet above the water. Just so impressive to see two bridges side by side like this. You know what is even more impressive? Me driving across the span trying to shoot through the windshield without driving off the edge!
You need a classic car, one built before the addition of airbags, which can only serve to get in the way of an awesome action shot.
I gotta go along with "photodudeimages" on this but with one further suggestion. Let's make it a classic convertible so Spencer can spin around 180 in his seat to get some really cool unobstructed shots from behind.
You know, there is one other complication - I have seen signs on the Verrazano-Narrows bridge that says "Photographs are not permitted." Gimmie a break. From Homeland Security, no doubt. There were no such signs on this bridge. At least that I saw.
This is only one step less crazy than you piloting yourself all over Long Island Sound in winter, taking those abstract cracked-ice aerial shots. You should consult with those cats of yours, because you need to have them explain how you can tell when you're nearing your ninth life! Just sayiin'.
MJ: You're so funny... "just sayin...'" One could think that I had a death wish or something. Not true. I am a great believer in risk management. I can't of course, reconcile that with photographing while driving... :-)
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