Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Seeing in a Different Way

I have been looking at a book of photographs by the photographer Alex Webb and his wife.  He shoots in countries like Hati and Africa.  His photographs always have splashes of brilliant, vibrant color.  They are amazing!  So I have been reading and thinking about how he sees.  Of course  I am less likely to see bold color where I live and photograph.  Until this day.  I came out of the Met, and this food cart jumped out at me with all its brilliant signs.  Then I had to wait for a person, and for the proprietor to be in the right spot.  I did some shots with people with colored shirts, but I choose this image because this person, without color doesn't distract from the signs.  Would I have seen this shot if I was not reading the Webb book?


ken schwarz said...

This photo is another winner and a classic New York City street scene. So many choices on the food cart - and the lady is trying to decide what to buy?

Anonymous said...

I'm hungry now! bsk

Ken Spencer said...

I was watching this scene for perhaps ten minutes. I am not sure, but I think that she ordered something and then had to stand around for a while while the proprietor made what she had ordered. Thanks for the nice comment.