Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Colors of Connecticut

Yikes!  I forgot to post my blog last night!  I was working on making the Christmas cards in the basement this afternoon, and for some reason it came to me: "Did I do a blog post last night?"  And I knew that I hadn't.  So here it is, better late than never.  It is a photograph that I took of my sister Karen's view of her back yard.  I was taken by the colors, and how different they are here on Long Island.  I think the main difference starts with the boulders covered with lichen.  And then it was rather late in the afternoon, so that's why the overall colors are from the "cool" part of the spectrum.  I love how my eye wanders from foreground to background and how there are so many subtle colors that can be found in the photograph.


Anonymous said...

Whew! I was getting worried this morning when there was no post. You gave us a heads up on Thanksgiving that you might not post and you did, but no warning for this one. Oh, and it is a very nice photo. She is so lucky to have the privacy and beautiful woods and stream.

Ken Spencer said...

Sorry to worry you...