Monday, May 18, 2015

The Saga of the Kittens Continues

So the saga continues.  About a week ago, we came out of the house, headed out for breakfast, and Kathy noticed that the mother cat, followed by two kittens was leaving their nest in the ivy and headed under the gate to a neighbor's yard!  One of the kittens turned around and went back, and the mother continued on with one kitten following.  They went under a chain link fence and turned east,  the mother cat leading the way, and the kitten was happily following behind.  That is the image frozen in my mind, as my heart sank.  We drove away, and worried about the left behind kitten.  When we returned from breakfast the last kitten was gone, fortunately.  We had no idea where they went, but there was no way we could follow, into other neighbor's yards.  The mother cat, which we had been feeding for a couple of weeks, did not show up for meals, and so we were saddened that they were just plain gone.   Cut to 4 days ago, and I went to photograph the empty nest for a blog post.  I took the picture and looked up to find the mother cat staring at me through the fence, from the house next door!  They are only three feet away from where they were!  So we know where they all are, and we are now feeding the mother again, along with our friend Judy from next door.  Whew!  What a relief that everyone is still OK.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic!! :)

Anonymous said...

Great news1 The kitten is so cute. Keep us posted.