Sunday, December 11, 2016

Old Camera, Young Photographer

Stan and his wife Ann came out to Long Island this afternoon, and we went to three photographic exhibits at the Nassau County Museum of Art.  We all enjoyed the photographs - a survey of photographers from 1873 to 2000.  Afterwards Kathy prepared a wonderful dinner at home.  So we had good art, great food, and great conversation.  What's better than that?  Stan and I got talking about the days of film cameras, and I got out my Leica M6 film camera.  This beautiful machine was manufactured from 1984 to 1998.  I bought this one used in about 1990, and used it for 13 years or so, and by then the digital cameras were good enough to replace it.  It is such a joy to hold on to this - it is a solid piece of equipment and Leicas have been used and abused by photojournalists for years!

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