Friday, September 29, 2023

New Yorkers 2

I took the Lexington Avenue subway up from Grand Central Station - more on that later.  I got off at 86th street and walked west, toward Central Park because I was headed to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  I think it was at a street corner that I ended up following this young woman and the three dogs she was walking.  There are lots of dog walkers in New York and sometimes I have seen seven or eight dogs being walked by one person!  So I followed her discretely, taking photographs all the way.  What attracted me to this scene were the dogs.  This is not the perfect arrangement of the three, but there were so many other things in the background which could be distracting, so that's why I picked this photograph.



Anonymous said...

I like seeing these three soft looking poodle type dogs being walked. Cannot imagine trying to wrangle 7 or 8 dogs! Betsey

Anonymous said...

These dogs look well behaved. I cannot imagine walking 3 let alone 7 or more. Lots to photograph on the streets of New York.

ken schwarz said...

What strikes me about this photo, is the silhouette of the women and the lighter colors of her tree dogs walking from an area in shadow to more sunlight up the street. Kinda like the light at the end of the tunnel!

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all for your comments. Primo, I followed her for a couple of blocks, creepy guy that I am... :-) I have shots just on the sidewalk, out in the open, but for the reason you suggested, I thought that this photo under scaffolding was the better choice Thanks!