Monday, September 18, 2023

Old Westbury Gardens

I was so intent on goofing around telling you about our "vacation home" the other day I forgot to post the next day, what the actual gardens look like at Old Westbury Gardens.  They are just stunning!  This is the Walled Garden and it is probably the most spectacular of all the gardens here.  Looking down the path you can see where the pond is and part of a green pergola.


And here is a lovely view of the pond and all the lily pads.  The pergola curves to the left and right of the center section with the statue in it.  What a spectacular sight!

I think this might be called the Great Lawn which stretches south from the mansion, which I showed you the other day.  It seems to go on forever. I just measured the distance, and the lawn stretches 2,500 feet from the mansion to the far distance!



Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Photos!

Anonymous said...

The stretch of lawn plus the trees and hedges is so inviting! Nice to see the bench on the side for relaxing. I’m curious about the small piece in the center of the lily pond since I cannot tell what it is…Betsey