Saturday, September 30, 2023

New Yorkers 3

When I am done at the Met, I always walk the 20 blocks from the museum down Fifth Avenue to the Subway at 59th street.  I always see so many interesting things on my walk.  At some point the other day, I noticed this woman's hair.  If I recall correctly, I noticed her ahead of me, and so speeded up my walk. When I got to about ten feet behind her, I set my lens at its max focal length of 70mm which starts to be a telephoto.  I stayed ten feet behind her for perhaps one block or two.  When the scene in front of her wasn't busy with too many people, I would lift my camera up, snap one shot and then put the camera down.  I think I did about a dozen photographs.  I just love how pretty her hair is in the late afternoon light.  That's the only reason I shot this.  Admiring things of beauty around me, I guess.  Please be sure and click on the image to see a more detailed version.  The colors of light and dark in her hair are really quite beautiful.  "MOM that creepy guy with the camera is following me again!"  :-)



Anonymous said...

Gorgeous hair. She is light and male is dark making a nice contrast. If people noticed you snapping photos, they might think you are creepy! :-)

Anonymous said...

Her hair is pretty. As long as a policeman doesn’t see you following women and taking photos, you’re okay…Just show them your Blog and you’ll be fine! Betsey

Ken Spencer said...

The law on the subject is that if someone is in a public place you can photograph them without a problem. An issue might be harassment as when Jackie Kennedy was hounded by the photographer Ron Galalla, one of New York's famous paparazzi.