Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Antique Stuff

When I walked up into town to see the parade, I walked by this antique shop.  I have been by here before but this window had the perfect light on it - to accentuate the delicacy of the lace curtains and also to throw enough light inside so you can get a sense of what is inside.  This photograph is really about the curtain, though.


Anonymous said...

And there is the photographer reflected in the window!-- Stan

Anonymous said...

That is the second thing I looked at in the photo - your reflection :-) I like the look of the photo with the lace curtain and whatever antique treasures are behind the window.....betsey

Anonymous said...

Hi, Ken...Well I'm heading toward Sea Cliff Garage Sale Day, so this shop is now on my "to do" list! Terrific photo of my "stuff"...they can thank you for sending in a new customer! Babs

Ken Spencer said...

Congratulations to those sharp-eyed viewers (Stan and Betsey) who saw my reflection in the shadows! You both get gold stars! And Babs, I am glad that you have found a new place to investigate. I have no idea what is inside the shop.