Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Forest in My Window

It was 10 degrees Fahrenheit this morning.  Yikes!  I happened to notice ice crystals on one window window when I got up, and seeing that there were crystals patterns on all of the windows, I went around looking for the best patterns.  Because of the nature of the light on the crystals, I could only photograph crystals with dark backgrounds.  This is my favorite of all the groups and  I think it looks like forest of pine trees.  It is just stunning to me to see the delicacy in the patterns.  They would be even more stunning under a microscope, I am sure, if you could keep them from melting.  In fact, I decided to crop the original picture as close as possible, and add this photograph to this post.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Stunning! My windows were frozen but I did not notice the beauty in them - only thought of the cold and hoping the weather will warm up so Jenny's pipes will thaw. Great photo. I will pay more attention next time.

cheesedip said...

i'm gonna look for a forest in my window next time, that was awesome! jen syed

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all for your comments - they keep me going by letting me imagine that people actually look at this stuff!
As for the frozen pipes, Joan - I do roofing and masonry, and electrical work and plumbing... Have you tried wrapping the pipes in "heat ropes?" I don't mean "you" in particular, but has that been tried before?

Amy said...

Wow, what stunning shots! The woods in a window. So pretty.