Sunday, January 4, 2009

MacDougal Street

While walking around Greenwich Village yesterday afternoon we came down a side street that dead ended at MacDougal Street.  MacDougal is only six blocks long, but has a history longer than your arm.  It has been the subject of many songs, poems, and all manner of artists, singers, writers and other famous people have lived here.  Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix got their start performing in a club on MacDougal Street.  It is a very photogenic street.  What was stunning at this time of day was the reflection of the late afternoon sunlight off the fire escapes of all the buildings on the street.  It looks more like an abstract painting to me, than a real life cityscape. I have posted an extra large photo so if you click on it you will see a much larger image to enjoy.


Anonymous said...

A tremendous picture Ken, very interesting. First thing that came to mind was the Asphalt Jungle.

Amy said...

Yeah, seeing them so crammed in like that in such a close shot is confusing and fascinating. And that light, oh the light...

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful with all the shadows overlapping and criss-crossing.

You can get lost in the light or lost in the shadows and find your way out again. Lovely New York shot