Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Light in the Hall

When I got up this morning, I looked out of the bedroom into the upstairs hall and saw this splash of light on the wall!  It grabbed me immediately, so I ran downstairs and got the camera.  I played with the composition some - more or less of the window to the left, and a higher shooting position, then a lower one.  Suddenly the light dimmed dramatically.  Wait!  I haven't got the shot yet!  So I went out into the hall to see what was going on.  It turns out that the light was a reflection of sunlight off the bathroom floor, and one of the cats had just sat down in the light!  So I shooed the cat away, and then got this image.  I love the mysterious quality to the whole photograph because of the strange, unexplained source of light.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love how simple that shot is, with its straight edges and that subtle light you're talking about. And, of course, I always love seeing those shots from home. :)