Saturday, May 9, 2009

Morning in Ann Arbor

OK, this is a quiz... Pick your favorite photograph. I went downtown early this morning for our convention, and after parking the car had to walk to the building where we were meeting. I drove by this scene on the way to the parking lot, and it grabbed me, so I spent some time trying to find the best view. I first saw the bottom photograph, which is straight on, and lit from the front. Then walking back from the parking lot, I saw the top photograph, lit from the side. When shooting each, I waited for a pedestrian to enter the scene to add interest and scale. But for the life of me, I cannot decide which photograph I like best. Take your pick! Be sure to click on each photograph to see more detail before deciding.


Anonymous said...

I like the first one, seems to have more depth. CY.

ken schwarz said...

Before I reading the first comment my immediate thought was photo number one for exactly the same reason: "depth". With depth, I also see much more "texture".

rc said...

I like the bottom picture. It has a whimsical feel to it. Almost reminds me of a movie set.

Anonymous said...

Top is tops.

Anonymous said...

I go for the top one, too. Even though you can see more of the store detail in the second one. The first one draws me into the scene and moves me along the street.

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all for your comments! I was first attracted to the lower scene - it felt a bit like Edward Hopper. But as you all point out, there is more "going on" in the top photo. Thank you all so much for your observations!

Anonymous said...

But, Ken. Edward Hopper has done the best of Edward Hopper. No need to do what's already been accomplished in a big way.

Anonymous said...

I like the simplicity of the bottom one - straightforward, strong bright colors.bsk