Thursday, April 11, 2019

It's Warmer in Charlotte!

We have been back home for a while now but I still have some photographs that I never got a chance to post.  When we arrived in Charlotte, I expected that it would be a little bit warmer than it was on Long Island.  But I was unprepared for the flowers and trees in bloom!  It brightened us so, after leaving home with almost no signs of Spring at all.

This is a park in downtown Charlotte, and the brilliant daffodils and the warm temperatures were enough to convince us that maybe, sometime. Spring would come to Long Island!


Anonymous said...

It's lovely to see flowering trees and pretty spring flowers. Thanks for posting. Lifts the spirit. betsey

Anonymous said...

Flowers brighten our days and mood. Yesterday it was so chilly and damp, it felt like snow was on the way. Hoping spring arrives soon in CT.