Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Mint Museum

There are two Mint Museums in Charlotte.  One is in the center of town, and is in a new building and the other is Mint Museum Randolph which is southeast of Charlotte, and is located in a federal style building that once housed the Charlotte Mint.  We went to the downtown one and saw some amazing exhibits. This is just one piece in an exhibit called Craft + Design. The Mint Museum collects international contemporary decorative arts in the areas of glass, fiber art, metal, studio jewelry, design, studio furniture, wood art, and clay.  This piece is called "Joy of Transition" by Alaya Serfaty.  I am not sure what it is made of, but it is in one corner of a gallery about ten feet up the wall, and is illuminated from within.  It is an amazing thing to see in person.


Anonymous said...

This image just jumped off the screen! Looks like leaves made of glass...very cool!! betsey

Ken Spencer said...

I wish I could remember what that sculpture was made from. I even neglected to photograph the text on the wall at the time. Duh!