Monday, November 13, 2023

My Quest for Fall Color

In my quest looking for Fall color, I photographed two different things today so I wouldn't leave all of you without your yearly fill of Fall color on my blog.  This photograph is not the traditional image that you would think of, but it really grabbed my attention.  These "Elephant ears" are growing in a small triangular brick garden that I built for Kathy in the rear of the back yard years ago.  When I saw these subtle, but beautiful colors today, I thought it was such an interesting subject so I spent some time with these plants.  This photograph is my favorite.  



Anonymous said...

The shape catches your eye and the light yellow and green center stem make them pop.

Anonymous said...

I like the big oval shape and the colors of the leaves. But I really like the blue and purple colors of the leaves along the front. Betsey

Ken Spencer said...

What is interesting to me, and you both have come up with interesting things to look at, is that the shape and color of the leaves got my attention, but while composing the photograph I saw a number of things I hadn't noticed at first glance, like the blue and purple leaves in the foreground. Funny what happens when you take the time to look carefully.