Saturday, November 11, 2023

Nightscape, Glen Head

When I get off the train on the way back from the city, I have to walk a couple blocks to the parking lot where my car is parked.  There is something about photographs of landscapes at night interests me.  But I rarely go out looking for them.  But on this night, I was taken by the water tower  and how it hovered over all the buildings.  So I did several photographs of scenes with the water tower in them.  This last one, from the parking lot is my favorite.  Something different.



ken schwarz said...

My eyes were immediately drawn to the red light atop the water tank. And then the power poles in various stages of illumination with wires going one way or another added interest. The collection of buildings are perfectly centered with the pavement below and night sky above with each structure seemingly to have its own light source. This crisp night scene is magical!

Ken Spencer said...

Primo! Thank you! Glad you "got it." It looks just ordinary at first glance, and then you see the elements involved and it becomes more interesting. You have a good eye!