Friday, September 15, 2023

Thinking About a Vacation House

We decided to see what we could find in terms of a nice little vacation house that we could afford.  We found this one.  It is small, yes, but it is not very expensive.  Unfortunately it does not have utilities, like electricity, water and a toilet or a shower.  And there are fairly large gaps between the logs that make up the walls, so it will be cold during winter winds.  It will be quiet here, because the nearest other home is some distance away, in terms of a normal suburban setting.

This is a view from inside the vacation cottage and you can see the openings between the logs that make up the walls.  It is bright inside because of the window, which is nice.

This is the house of the nearest neighbor.  Some house, huh?  OK, OK, the truth comes out!  This is the mansion at Old Westbury Gardens which is a beautiful place to visit and just see the grounds and gardens.  We have never been in the mansion.  Oh, and our "vacation house?"  Yeah, well that is a small child's playhouse on the grounds - there are three of them.  So, no we can't actually buy that place, although it would have been perfect for us!   :-)


Anonymous said...

You two have more fun!! I like your ‘vacation house’ but the size might limit any guests…phooey

Anonymous said...

So clever! Nice photo of both of you peaking out from your new vacation home! Imagine having three of these around the property to play in when you were a kid. I would have a fort, a reading room and a tea party place. I remember visiting Old Westbury Gardens when Joan, Jan & I went on a bus trip there. We loved it. Thanks for the memories and this funny post. Betsey

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the morning smiles. Talk about seeing the light of day through these log walls. Love the photo of you two in your search for a vacation home.

Anonymous said...

Nice photo of you and Aunt Kate. Love that little log playhouse. So cute. Trace

Mom said...

What I loved about the house that we couldn't buy, was that it came furnished! You can see a corner of one of the couches in the picture.