Sunday, December 9, 2007

When I Went Out...

I decided to go out drinking the other night, and when I arrived at this bar... JUST KIDDING! I have never gone out drinking! :-) I arrived at a restaurant late one afternoon to photograph the restaurant for a review for the paper, and while waiting to meet the owners, I noticed these employees sitting at the bar waiting to start work. The pattern of their legs against the front of the illuminated bar caught my eye. So that they wouldn't see me photographing them, I actually photographed the reflection in a mirror on the opposite side of the bar. I loved the pattern the legs made and I liked that because the tops of people were lost in the darkness above the bar, you are not sure what is going on at first.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Cool! At first glance, I actually thought these people were jumping -- like strange little elf jumping. But i'm impressed with how hard you worked to get this. Very clever...