Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Couple

It was a gorgeous day today, and so I went to the city to see some photo exhibits at the International Center of Photography. After that, I wandered into Bryant Park to look for photographs. It felt like Paris, with small metal tables and chairs everywhere with people sitting around eating and talking and enjoying the afternoon. I decided to sit in the sun for a while, and after a while noticed this couple. She was pretty lovey-dovey with him, and he was on his cell phone! Go figure.


Amy said...

I was going to say, "Ha, typical." But really? She was probably texting on her phone 4 seconds earlier, too. ;)

Ken Spencer said...

Actually she wasn't, sorry to say. She was paying attention only to him. I think he hung up after about 5 minutes...

Anonymous said...

Oh, heavens. She was feeling frisky and wanted some playtime. But of course, men only want it when THEY want it.