Sunday, April 19, 2009

Not Long

I was going to say this barn may not be long for this world. But then I thought of so many barns that looked like this, that I have watched over the years, that never do seem to fall down. So this may be here for years to come. But it sure does look unstable now, doesn't it? Especially the silo, which is tilted at such a precarious angle. I guess the thing is, if you knocked these structures down then you would have to clean up the mess. So the longer you wait, then the longer before you have to clean it up. Please click on this to see better color, and more detail in a larger image.


Anonymous said...

Amazing! You can see right through it. Did you walk around the back? The hill in front of the doors leaves me wondering!!

Anonymous said...

Barns are like people. As years past, if we've neglected our bodies, our frame gets weak. We start to look fragile. Our limbs get thin and rickety. Like the barn in your picture, we could use some shoring up. Sometimes, we're lucky and there's someone there to support us, to lend us an arm and keep a gently but firm grip on us so we can walk the fields another day. If we're not so lucky, we struggle to stay upright on our own, fearing a strong wind will bring us down and leave us crumpled in a pile. Barns are like people.

Ken Spencer said...

Another wonderful post, written by "Anonymous!" I love these ruminations, and several others have been amazed by the insights, and how well they are written.