Thursday, August 6, 2009

Building a Photograph

What do you mean: "Building a Photograph?" You take photographs, right? Well, not in this case. I found a discarded rose by the back door, and thought it was worthy of photographing. Then I wondered what would hold the flower while I took the picture. I found this old Olive Oil bottle in the kitchen which Amy gave me. Then I wondered what background I would use, and what kind of lighting. I put it by the dining room window which solved the lighting problem, and gave me the background - an old Chinese vase standing in the corner. Then I realized I needed something old to put the bottle and rose on, and found this old weathered 4x4 in the garage. Almost done, right? Well not exactly. I was having problems with the design and placement of elements in the photograph and realized I needed another rose. Back out the back door where I found another old flower, and Bingo! My finished photograph. I love the monochromatic color scheme.


Daniel van Benthuysen said...

There's a method to that monochromatic color scheme: it's evocative of an old master painting.

Ken Spencer said...

Dan: Thanks so much for your nice comments! It's funny how I didn't start with an idea, it just kind of happened as I added parts to the image.