Saturday, October 3, 2009

Paying Attention

I went to the neighbor's house today to ask a question about painting, rang the doorbell, and then turned away from the door to wait for her to answer. I was just idly looking around and then looked down from the porch and saw this! Wow! I saw the rusty ironwork first, and then noticed the flowers coming through the gate. Wow, what a beauty this scene is! A few years ago I did a photo-essay on benches in gardens around Long Island. I wanted to do another essay on garden gates. I had a few photos, but not enough for a complete story. So, seeing this photo got my attention right away! Makes me want to go back and look for the other photographs and see what a layout would look like now. Of course I have no place to publish the essay, but still it would be neat to see what it might look like. Please click on this to see how beautiful the detail is in a larger image.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This photo is so intriguing. I want to slowly open the gate and explore.