Sunday, November 1, 2015

Fall Color

We really haven't seen much Fall color around here so far.  But driving by this pond in Old Westbury on the way to church today, I saw these trees with good color.  Well, good color for Long Island, maybe, but not good color for Vermont!  The trees do look a bit motheaten, but I will accept anything with this much color.


Anonymous said...

You must be paying too much attention to the road! I've seen beautiful colors on Long Island - all over! I didn't think we'd get them because they're late and at first, they seemed to all be the same shade of drab. Now, I'm seeing brilliant yellows and oranges; flaming reds that look like they're on fire when the sun is shining on them. I thought I would be disappointed this year, but far from it! Not a criticism of your photography, but the tree in the picture looks sick!

Ken Spencer said...

It does look sick. It was just that I was desperate... :-)