Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Dumb Luck!

I had my long telephoto zoom on the camera, and I was doing some closeups of a gull, sitting on a rock that was above water.  I kept waiting for the gull's head to be in profile and I took several shots while he looked all around.  All of a sudden he took flight, and I reflexively clicked the shutter, because that's what I do.  When I pushed the button on the back of the camera to show me the image that I had shot, I couldn't believe my eyes - the gull with its wings at full spread!  Like I said, "dumb luck." 


Anonymous said...

Stunning photo!

ken schwarz said...

Wow! You got the water the rocks the duck in flight with perfect lighting all in one shot!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't call it "dumb luck". Great shot!! betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Thanks, all of you. I was so surprised to get that shot!

Anonymous said...

this is a stunning shot! thank you for sharing this. beautiful lighting beautiful flight still. !!! ld