Saturday, August 5, 2023

Farewell My Faithful Friend

This is my Braun coffee grinder.  Those of you who know me, know that I am a coffee brat.  Meaning that every cup of coffee matters to me.  So I buy roasted coffee beans, and grind enough for one cup of coffee at a time.  Then I went around the bend, and on an assignment one time met a man who had a business selling green coffee beans which then had to be roasted.  The writer had borrowed a coffee bean roaster which I got to try.  Then I bought a coffee bean roaster of my own and started roasting my own beans!  Anyhow back in 1977, the environmental reporter at Newsday decided to start a new magazine about high end audio equipment for listening to music.  It was called "The Absolute Sound."  I volunteered to help him by photographing the equipment - amplifiers, speakers, pre amplifiers, and turntables, for the new magazine.  So you are wondering where this is going.  While at his house photographing equipment, he made coffee.  I heard this whirring as he was grinding coffee beans for a pot of coffee for those of us there.  And that was my first look at a Braun coffee grinder!  I immediately bought one and have used it ever since.  But the other day the tiny little interlock switch broke off and the grinder is now broken.  I can't complain - it has lasted 46 years!  I do remember reading somewhere on the net within the last year, about how well built Braun appliances used to be.  They would last forever and forever.  But unfortunately at some point they switched to lower quality manufacturing.  But the machine I own was one of the great ones, and I will miss it!



Anonymous said...

Sorry that your coffee grinder quit on you, but 46 years of service is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is an incredible amount of time for a small appliance to last; especially by today’s standards. Sorry that yours broke. The tough part is finding a decent replacement! Betsey