Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Milky Way

What a joy to be under a sky that is dark enough to allow us to see the Milky Way.  I can't seen the Milky Way from my side yard of course.  A drive of an hour and a half to Custer Institute used to be enough, but add 15 minutes to that to get me to Orient, which is further east, and I can see this magnificent scene from there.  It is darker in Vermont, but the weather needs to be clear.  It was clear on Friday night, for most of the night up until midnight, so I managed to get this.  Some clouds were on the horizon so I was hurrying to get a photo before it clouded over.  In my haste I missed the fact that a power line was running through my photo.  Oh well, I didn't get such a great photograph, but I got to spend several hours cruising up and down the Milky with my telescope.



Anonymous said...

Happy you are enjoying the Vermont skies, Gorgeous! I would not have noticed the power line as my eyes were focused on the Milky Way.

Linda said...

Beautiful image and it's great that you had such an enjoyable time. There are ways to remove the power line in photoshop. Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

The Milky Way looks spectacular even though there is a small wire in the photo. Being able to view this is a joy! Betsey

Anonymous said...

Great photo. The Milky Way is stunning. Trace

Ken Spencer said...

Hi Linda: If the photograph of the Milky Way was higher quality I might consider retouching the wires, but the image was shot at ISO 6400 so it is a pretty noisy image. So here is how I should have taken the photograph. There is a device that you put on a tripod called a sky tracker, and then you mount your camera on that. There is a motor in the device and you align the device with the north star, and then the camera follows the stars and you can do longer exposures with a slower ISO, like 400 and the quality would be excellent. But I had other things to do and did not bring my sky tracker with me to Vermont.

I am so glad everyone enjoyed my photograph of the Milky Way, such a rare thing these days for anyone to see. One has to be a long way from cities and even small towns, to have a sky free from light pollution, in order to see the Milky Way.