Thursday, August 3, 2023

Miss Vivian's Birthday!

So today was Vivian's actual birthday, and her day started with her favorite Dunkin' donut, a chocolate covered one with colored sprinkles.  And in honor of her birthday, there are three candles on her donut.  Please notice the gold crown on her head, with the number 3 on it!

Here she is opening one of her presents, which is a doll.  She was very deliberate in making sure to have all of the wrapping paper off the package before looking at what is inside.

Here are Amy, and Vivian and she is holding her new doll, as Kathy looks on.

Here Viv and Gus are pretending to sleep on the couch in the back room, before the three of them headed off to Montauk to visit friends.

At one point, Vivian climbed the stairs carrying a doll that Kathy had made. because she wanted to make her slide down the bannister, which she is doing here.



Anonymous said...

Love all of the photos of Vivian's birthday celebration, but my favorite is Vivian coming down the stairs with the wonderful doll that Kathy made.

Anonymous said...

Miss Vivian looks like a Princess in the first photo. She looks so tall. Love all the photos; but especially the one where she’s holding the doll which Kathy made!

Anonymous said...

Great photos of Vivian. She looks so happy with the donut surprise. I like the way the donut slowly disappears from the first to the third photo. Looks like she likes the frosting! Very cute photo of her sliding her doll down the banister and great photo of Gus and her together. Trace