Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Two Awesome Pilots!

It has been three weeks since I have flown.  Amy and Gus and Miss Vivian were in town, and then I went to Vermont for the telescope maker's conference.  So today was my first flight in a while.  It went really well.  I mean, why not?  You are looking at two awesome pilots at work in their "office" - a Cessna 172R.  OK, OK, so you have one awesome pilot, which is my instructor Michael, at left, and one wanna' be awesome pilot, which would be me!   :-)  I really missed not flying for such a long time, and actually my landings were much better than they have been since I started flying again and Michael complimented me on them which made me feel really good!  There is hope for this old guy!



ken schwarz said...

Way to go! Good pilots like good gymnasts stick their landings!

Anonymous said...

Great photo! You are getting back in the groove in no time at all.

Anonymous said...

I love Ken Schwartz’s comment! Nice photo of both of you. It’s not like you’ve never been a pilot before - you just need to practice flying and landing again. Betsey

Ken Spencer said...

I just thought of an old aviation saying: "Takeoffs are optional, landings are mandatory."

Anonymous said...

Awesome job, Ken. Like riding a bike!
