Sunday, August 6, 2023

Mister Badass on a Harley

This is me, believe it or not, in my United States Air Force uniform back in 1965, sitting on a Harley Davidson motorcycle.  It's not what you think - I am not a badass biker!  I was a Fuels Specialist in the 914th Troop Carrier Group, out of Niagara Falls, New York.  I had just finished my 6 months active duty in the USAF Reserve, and then it was time for our two week active duty summer encampment.  That would be at Grenier Field, in New Hampshire.  The 914th flew C-119 Flying Boxcar aircraft which were used for moving troops and equipment, and also dropping paratroopers.  The story is, that one of the guys in my outfit owned this Harley.  A couple of weeks before encampment, the Captain said that if anyone had anything they wanted to bring to summer camp, to bring it to the airbase, and they would transport it to Grenier Field.  One of the guys said "Can I bring my motorcycle?" and we all laughed, until the Captain said "Sure."  Turns out it would be good practice for the loadmasters to figure out how to safely tie down and transport a motorcycle in the C-119!  So when we got to New Hampshire after a couple of days, my friend said "Do you want to ride my bike?" and I said "Yes," of course never having ridden one!  So he showed me how to operate the clutch, and throttle and shifter.  I only rode it for a short while around a couple of roads on the airbase.  It was fun, and then I got to have my photo taken with the bike!  I have never been on a motorcycle since, and I am good with that!



Anonymous said...

I have never know you to be a Badass so I laughed when I saw this. Great photo of you on a Harley. I have ridden on one but would never try to drive it and keep it balanced. A once in a lifetime adventure for you.

Anonymous said...

Love these “old” photos. I get to know more things about my brother that I never knew. What fun! You can say that you drove a Harley and you even have proof :-) Betsey

Anonymous said...

Uncle Ken- I never knew you were in the service! Wow- interesting and the motor bike doesn’t surprise me with your tendency for adventure. Very fun entry!!

Anonymous said...

This is Neen, by the way

Anonymous said...

Uncle Ken- I didn’t know you were in the Air Force. Interesting entry. The motor bike doesn’t surprise me because of your sense of adventure. Neen