Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Robin Redbreast

There was a Robin hopping around the yard today, when the sun was out and it didn't seem to be worried about my presence.  So I got out my 400mm lens and photographed it.  It was looking for worms, of course and I wondered how they do that.  I think I believed they had some kind of radar or something.  Well guess what.  I was wrong!  Birds, including Robins, find worms mostly through sight.  Birds have exceptional vision, and their keen eyes can spot the tiny end of a worm as it pokes out of the soil.  They can also see small changes in soil and grass as worms move about just below the surface, movements that indicate where a worm is located.  Also, as worms move about, they disrupt the soil and small particles of dirt rub together, making noises too faint for humans to hear!  THAT is astounding!  So amazing what skills animals have that we find it hard to relate to!



Anonymous said...

I love seeing Robins in the Spring. Thank you for the lesson on the feeding of birds and worms. I will pay more attention in the future when I see them out on the lawn.

Anonymous said...

I did not know how birds find worms. Very informative. Thank you. Love your photo of the Robin - perfect shot. betsey