Tuesday, November 27, 2007


And now for something completely different... Here is the story about this photograph. A landlord was renting a home to two families. The home was actually condemned, had no heat, and the power had been turned off. The landlord allegedly bought a portable generator, and to insure that it would not be stolen, set it up in the BASEMENT of the home where it was left running! Two people died from asphyxiation. One man was a young father, who worked two jobs, and loved his wife and young child. Fortunately the mother and child were staying in another home that had heat. He stayed in the condemned home so no one would steal their belongings. He died in his sleep. This is his mom and her lawyer at a press conference announcing a lawsuit against the town and the landlord. A terribly sad story.

1 comment:

Amy said...

wow, that's heart wrenching. you've captured a solemn moment (on her face at least) well...