Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Only Casulty

Some of you will be thrilled to know that I am down off the roof for the rest of the winter. The front half of the roof is done! In spring, or fall, I will start on the back half, which will be a bit easier because there is less area of roof to tear off and re-roof. So the good news is that I didn't fall off the roof, or break any parts of myself in the process. There was one casualty, however. I had this really nice pair of silver Air Nike running shoes with a bright red swoosh, in mint condition. I found when I started roofing that I needed softer soled shoes than I had on my work boots. The roofing material is relatively fragile when it is warm out, and the harder soled shoes damage the granules and the asphalt underneath. So these shoes were perfect. I spend a lot of time sitting on the roof working and so the granules wore away the fabric on my nice new shoes. And they are black from the dirt when I was tearing off the roof. When I saw how beat up they had become in a short time, I decided to make a studio setup on my dining room table and drag in the big strobe unit and try several different kinds of lighting to see which lighting showed off the shoes the best. I like this one.


Amy said...

poor sneaker! but just proof of how hard you've been working. man. you can't even see the red swoosh... -- Amy

Barry S. Silver said...

I love this photo!! Congrats on finishing the front half of the roof...