Friday, November 9, 2007

Looking Up

I had stopped to visit my friend Steve in Northport, and when leaving his building, happened to look up as I was getting into my car. I saw this, and it stopped me. Not sure why, once again. I had not found my picture for the day though, so figured I would shoot this. After I got closer to home I found something I liked better, so this has been sitting in the "possibles" folder for the blog, and since I didn't find anything today, here it is for you. This kills me, though - in the original the yellow is very bright and the blue much more saturated. You should know that I am now looking at a couple of website building apps, and if I am smart enough to actually LEARN them, I will begin a new site which I host, and which will have pictures that are both larger, and more brilliant in their color. Stay tuned...

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