Monday, June 16, 2008


Once again, late this afternoon, the sky to the northwest turned dark gray, and it looked as if the world was coming to an end. When a thunderstorm is coming, I immediately drive down to the water to watch it approach across the water. Today was no disappointment as the gust front came through, and then the leading edge of the storm. I stood there photographing down the road, while the wind buffeted me. It was really dark, and I had to use a slow shutter speed even with a high ISO set in the camera. The wind was making it difficult to get an image that wasn't blurred. But I certainly wasn't disappointed by driving to the beach.


Anonymous said...

Wow Ken, this really moves me.
You really know how to capture the personality of the storm.
Great job.

The Sex Files Girls said...

Wow, you can actually SEE the wind in this one. I really get the feeling I'm there. Love it.